ARTICLE Chairman's Message - Words Over Matter 萬相不如言相 (ENG)
Chairman's Message - Words Over Matter 萬相不如言相 (ENG)

"When words do not end as mere words but are declared and shared, history unfolds miraculously."
A good fortune cannot outshine a good physiognomy, and no matter how good the physiognomy, it cannot outperform a healthy body. A healthy body, on the other hand, cannot surpass a healthy mind, and thus the saying, “Words over matter.” This means that everything in life depends on one’s mindset. So, what kind of mindset should we have, and how should we cultivate it?
A person’s words reflect their inner mindset and, at the same time, have the greatest influence on their own mind. While words can impact others, they most profoundly affect the speaker themselves, as they are the ones who hear their own words the most.
A human being consists of mind, emotion, and body. From these, we can draw on intellectual, emotional, and physical strengths. The difference between physical and intellectual strengths can be as vast as the difference between a shovel and an excavator. Likewise, the emotional strength behind words can be a thousand times greater than intellectual strength.
The power of words lies in their ability to inspire. Words carry energy. It is through words that we transform ourselves and our surroundings. We are influenced by our environment, and the most effective tool for reshaping it is with our words.
When I was at a school reunion, a friend, who had walked the elite path in life, asked me, “Han-Gill, you weren’t so smart back then. How did you become the chairman of Atomy?” I responded, “With my lips!” Though it was a joke between friends, it was the most accurate answer.
I built Atomy through words. At the time, the only ability I could use was the ability to speak. I made bold statements such as, “Atomy will rewrite the history of network marketing,” “Absolute Quality, Absolute Price,” “We will compete with major distributors through quality and price,” “We will become a global distribution hub,” and “We will give Imperial Masters 1 billion KRW on a forklift.” All these words have either already become a reality or are in the process.
When words do not end as mere words but are declared and shared, history unfolds miraculously. Formal education focuses on developing intellectual abilities, and some people achieve remarkable accomplishments through physical or intellectual abilities. Natural talent combined with relentless effort can lead to significant outcomes. For those who lack natural abilities or missed the opportunity, however, the final hope lies in the power of words. This does not mean that physical or intellectual effort is unnecessary. It means that when the power of words takes precedence, even with a lack of ability, one can experience miraculous and extraordinary results.
The tongue is like the rudder of a ship, small but capable of steering a vessel even amid strong winds. The direction in which we move our tongue determines the destination of our lives. Never let a negative word escape your lips. Instead, set your sails high towards the goal of a “Balanced Life” and embrace the motto, “Make Imperial.” I have visited all of our 26 branches overseas and saw that Atomy’s fair winds will blow even more vigorously across all continents in 2025.
Words over matter. The rudder of the mind is the words we speak. “When there is no hope, the only hope is to speak of hope.”