Views 434 Date of filming

Date & Time: 2023-03-25 (Saturday), 11:00am
Total Viewers: 1,500 Pax

For March 2023, Atomy Malaysia gathered around to host yet another monthly session of the Success Academy spreading knowledge and motivation. Make sure to attend with your fellow Atomians to push for greater heights and successes!

Emcee & Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master & Kainnie Liew, Diamond Master

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) - Nicole Wong, Sales Master

Company Greeting Speech by Mr. Kim, Country Manager (KL)
During his speech, he emphasized the importance of success, not just for personal gain, but also for the betterment of your loved ones and the ones around you, reminding everyone why they were gathered there.

Leader Welcome Speech - Benson Kwan, STM @ Leaders Club
A welcome speech by one of Atomy Malaysia's Star Master and Leaders Club Member. If you dream and envision your future, you will inevitably be on the same stage one day.

Success Through Women Empowerment - Tengku Suhaila, Sharon Rose Master @ Leaders Club
An inspiring speech by one of Atomy Malaysia leaders, Tengku Suhaila, Sharon Rose Master @ Leaders Club. In her speech, she emphasizes on the significance of women's empowerment and the necessary steps towards achieving success with these values.

Member Sharing - Michelle Cheah, Sales Master (Singapore)
Michelle Cheah, Sales Master from Singapore, delivered a speech on their positive experience in joining Atomy, sharing her journey and encouraging others to feel motivated to pursue their own paths to success. The speech was inspiring and left a lasting impression on the audience.

Product Value and Absolute Confidence - Nimisa Fung, Star Master @ Leaders Club
A brilliantly well delivered speech by our Star Master, Nimisa Fung, on the value Atomy products bring and the Absolute Confidence in their effectiveness. Encouraging Atomians to pursue their aspirations with unshakable confidence on the offerings.

The Culture of Sharing
Contributing indirectly towards a CSR activity, all Atomians aided in the donation of RM38,000 to an NGO supporting disabled individuals in achieving independence. This commendable accomplishment reflects the dedication of the Atomians involved and is truly well-done.

Seize Your Dreams - Daniel Chai, Royal Master @ Royal Leaders Club
Daniel Chai, Royal Master, generously shared his personal experiences and advice with fellow members on how to correctly draft a life scenario wheel, providing a detailed guide on how to effectively use this activity to reach greater heights in life.

Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Nicole Wong, Sales Master

Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Hamisah Mastaman, Sales Master

Master The Wonders of Automation - Daphne Tam, Royal Master @ Royal Leaders Club
Daphne Tam's, Royal Master, speech on automation motivated the audience to apply it to their own paths of success, providing valuable insights and strategies. The speech left a lasting impression, inspiring the members to embrace automation for increased efficiency and success.

Mastership Promotion
Well done to all the recently promoted Sales Masters for taking the first step in your path towards success, financial independence, and a balanced life!

Success Through Action - Kim Gwang Yeol, Imperial Master
Imperial Master, Kim Gwang Yeol's, appearance at Atomy Malaysia Success Academy was a memorable one, delivering a powerful speech that inspired the audience to push forward and achieve greater heights. The hope was that everyone in attendance received the necessary motivation to strive towards their goal.

Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

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