Date & Time: 2023-02-18 (Saturday), 11:00am
Venue: MITEC, KL
Total Viewers: 1,750 Pax
For February 2023 Success Academy, we celebrate the theme of love! Welcome to all Atomians for another monthly session of education and motivation! Ensure you attend with all your partners monthly for your future growth and success!
Emcee & Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master & Kainnie Liew, Diamond Master
Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) - Wan Teng, Diamond Master
Company Greeting Speech by Mr. Kim, Country Manager (KL)
In his speech, he reminds everyone why they are here at the Success Academy. He reminds us all, that success is paramount not just for ourselves, but for all our loved ones and future generations.
Leader Welcome Speech - Cole Tan, STM @ Leaders Club
A welcome speech by one of Atomy Malaysia's Star Master and Leaders Club Member. If you dream and envision your future, you will inevitably be on the same stage one day.
3 Generational Passive Income - Dannie Lim, Star Master @ Leaders Club
A captivating speech by one of Atomy Malaysia leaders, Dannie Lim Star Master @ Leaders Club. In his speech, he highlights the benefits of 3 Generational Passive Income and why it is important to achieve.
Global Sharing - Jin Qiu Ting, Sales Master (Singapore)
As Atomy is a Global Company, this session of Global Sharing opens the floor to Global perspective. By listening to stories from abroad, we can relate to our own story in Malaysia. Everyone has an equal start and chance at success.
Culture of Sharing
As Atomy is a company that cherishes the Culture of Sharing, in the month of February, celebrating the theme of love Mr. Kim surprises the audience with the gift of cookies as a gesture of his love. But where did the cookies of love come from? Scroll below to find out!
The cookies were a symbol of love from Cheshire Home, it was a gift to Atomy for practicing the culture of sharing. RM50,000 was donated to the NGO as a CSR activity to help disabled people towards an independent life. All Atomians contributed to this effort indirectly. Well done, Atomians!
Valentine's Day Campaign Winner
Congratulations to all Valentine's Day Campaign winners! Keep an eye out for more campaigns organized by the company, who know you might be the next winner!
Product Value & Absolute Confidence - Shanon Tan, STM @ Leaders Club
An interesting sharing by one of Atomy Malaysia leaders, Shanon Tan. In her speech, she talks about the product value and the absolute confidence all Atomians have for absolute quality products.
Method to Success - Nick Liang, Marketing Representative
Nick Liang talks about the rebranding updates of ABR Course which has changed to ABI (Atomy Business Invitation) and ABC (Atomy Business College). This new rebranding is aimed to provide a more comprehensive experience to all participants.
Seize Your Dreams - Jessica Pun Yin, STM @ Leaders Club
A very detailed sharing of how a person should draft the Life Scenario Wheel correctly. Jessica is not embarrassed to show her past drafting mistake for the benefit of all Atomians, now everyone can draft their life scenario perfectly!
Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Amber Kee, Sales Master
Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Wan Teng, Diamond Master
Sales Automation - Rosmaria Sahat, STM @ Leaders Club
A very insightful sharing by Umi Ros on the benefits and importance of Sales Automation. Atomy is a company that emphasizes customer success, where you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!
Mastership Entitlement
Congratulations to all qualifiers for achieving the Korea Success Tour! If you haven't been on the Success Tour, you still have time to qualify until 31st Dec 2023! So work hard, work smart and you may be next!
Success Through Action - Park Mi Young, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club
All the way from Korea, Park Mi Young Crown Master @ Crown Leaders Club graces us with her presence at Atomy Malaysia Success Academy. A powerful speech for sure, and we hope everyone got the motivation needed to push forward!
Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!
Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!
For more photos, click this link :
Date & Time: 2023-02-18 (Saturday), 11:00am
Venue: MITEC, KL
Total Viewers: 1,750 Pax
For February 2023 Success Academy, we celebrate the theme of love! Welcome to all Atomians for another monthly session of education and motivation! Ensure you attend with all your partners monthly for your future growth and success!
Emcee & Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master & Kainnie Liew, Diamond Master
Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) - Wan Teng, Diamond Master
Company Greeting Speech by Mr. Kim, Country Manager (KL)
In his speech, he reminds everyone why they are here at the Success Academy. He reminds us all, that success is paramount not just for ourselves, but for all our loved ones and future generations.
Leader Welcome Speech - Cole Tan, STM @ Leaders Club
A welcome speech by one of Atomy Malaysia's Star Master and Leaders Club Member. If you dream and envision your future, you will inevitably be on the same stage one day.
3 Generational Passive Income - Dannie Lim, Star Master @ Leaders Club
A captivating speech by one of Atomy Malaysia leaders, Dannie Lim Star Master @ Leaders Club. In his speech, he highlights the benefits of 3 Generational Passive Income and why it is important to achieve.
Global Sharing - Jin Qiu Ting, Sales Master (Singapore)
As Atomy is a Global Company, this session of Global Sharing opens the floor to Global perspective. By listening to stories from abroad, we can relate to our own story in Malaysia. Everyone has an equal start and chance at success.
Culture of Sharing
As Atomy is a company that cherishes the Culture of Sharing, in the month of February, celebrating the theme of love Mr. Kim surprises the audience with the gift of cookies as a gesture of his love. But where did the cookies of love come from? Scroll below to find out!
The cookies were a symbol of love from Cheshire Home, it was a gift to Atomy for practicing the culture of sharing. RM50,000 was donated to the NGO as a CSR activity to help disabled people towards an independent life. All Atomians contributed to this effort indirectly. Well done, Atomians!
Valentine's Day Campaign Winner
Congratulations to all Valentine's Day Campaign winners! Keep an eye out for more campaigns organized by the company, who know you might be the next winner!
Product Value & Absolute Confidence - Shanon Tan, STM @ Leaders Club
An interesting sharing by one of Atomy Malaysia leaders, Shanon Tan. In her speech, she talks about the product value and the absolute confidence all Atomians have for absolute quality products.
Method to Success - Nick Liang, Marketing Representative
Nick Liang talks about the rebranding updates of ABR Course which has changed to ABI (Atomy Business Invitation) and ABC (Atomy Business College). This new rebranding is aimed to provide a more comprehensive experience to all participants.
Seize Your Dreams - Jessica Pun Yin, STM @ Leaders Club
A very detailed sharing of how a person should draft the Life Scenario Wheel correctly. Jessica is not embarrassed to show her past drafting mistake for the benefit of all Atomians, now everyone can draft their life scenario perfectly!
Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Amber Kee, Sales Master
Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Wan Teng, Diamond Master
Sales Automation - Rosmaria Sahat, STM @ Leaders Club
A very insightful sharing by Umi Ros on the benefits and importance of Sales Automation. Atomy is a company that emphasizes customer success, where you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!
Mastership Entitlement
Congratulations to all qualifiers for achieving the Korea Success Tour! If you haven't been on the Success Tour, you still have time to qualify until 31st Dec 2023! So work hard, work smart and you may be next!
Success Through Action - Park Mi Young, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club
All the way from Korea, Park Mi Young Crown Master @ Crown Leaders Club graces us with her presence at Atomy Malaysia Success Academy. A powerful speech for sure, and we hope everyone got the motivation needed to push forward!
Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!
Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!
For more photos, click this link :