ARTICLE Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Workshop 2022
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Workshop 2022
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Workshop 2022
Date: 28-29 November 2022
Total Attendee: 715 pax
2022 was a new year after the Pandemic. Atomy Malaysia encountered many challenges in 2022, but together we successfully overcame the challenges and created success for Atomy members. We are honoured to invite 715 qualified Auto Sales Masters to attend Atomy Malaysia two days one-night Auto Sales Master Conference.The Auto Sales Master Conference was designed to train all Auto Sales Masters for further success in Atomy.
Token of Appreciation & Foyer Display
To appreciate the efforts of members in 2022, Atomy Malaysia prepared a special set of token of appreciation for our Auto Sales Masters.
The meaning of the Token of Appreciation is to give members an unforgettable memory for them to cherish and carry the Atomy branding and reputation.
Besides that, Atomy Malaysia also prepared Photo Booths at the foyer for the members to have photo sessions.
Emcee- KK, Marketing Officer
A total of 715 Auto Sales Masters attended the Auto Sales Master conference. The conference officially started after reciting the company motto.
Welcome Speech - Country Manager, Sewon Kim
Country Manager, Sewon Kim began his speech by welcoming the participants at the Auto Sales Master Workshop. Enthusiastically celebrated the participants and he also briefly explained the direction of Atomy Malaysia for year 2023.
Newly Promoted Auto Sales Master Speech
Speaker 1: DANNY WEE, Sales Master
Speaker 2: CHOK KAI XIN, Sharon Rose Master
Speaker 3: ANG HUI JIA, Sharon Rose Master
Company Direction & Planning Year 2023 : Kea Wong, Officer Manager
Leader’s Voice: Kent Yap, Marketing Manager & Kea Wong, Office Manager
A session of receiving and addressing all leaders' questions, concerns and feedback for the company to consider and formulate future strategies for the benefit of members.
The mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur – Sophia Tey, External Motivational Speaker
Sophia Tey began her training session by sharing the image of direct selling from the general public. She shared about the great platform and Success System that Atomy has. All Atomians must occupy the mindset of entrepreneurship because Atomy is your own business. Sophia emphasizes the power of belief and a sense of ownership to all leaders because the action comes after you strongly believe in it.
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Conference Gala Dinner
To celebrate and appreciate the effort of members, the company organized a Gala Dinner for all Auto Sales Masters to celebrate their achievement and establish a strong bonding among leaders and Atomy Malaysia. The company also introduced Atomy staff to all members and expressed its thanks to all leaders for their contributions.
Auto Sales Master Conference (Day 2)
Emcee- KK, Marketing Officer
The conference officially started after reciting the company's motto and having the famous HemoTIME!
Balance Life & Life Scenario Session
Atomy Malaysia organized a Balance Life and Life Scenario session for 715 ASM leaders to write down their dreams with the guidance of all 66 Leaders Club Members. All Leaders Club members guided and taught us how to write down Life Scenario the right way. 4 leaders were invited on stage to share their dreams and promised they will set the milestone and achieve it.
The relationship between Milestones and Life Scenario: YK Lai, STAR MASTER, LEADER CLUB MEMBER
YK Lai begins his sharing with the question, "WHY DO WE NEED TO WRITE DOWN OUR DREAMS." He explained the relationship between milestones and life scenarios to all leaders. He motivated and urged all members must to act now and make their dreams happen.
How to become a Leaders Club Member: Meina Chua, Royal Master @ Royal Leaders Club Member
Meina Chua shared tips on how to become a leaders club member. The secret to success is to practice and keep practicing. She mentioned that Practice makes improvements! You must constantly improve your best and go beyond anything you have ever done.
Company Motto & Closing
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Conference ended with the company motto. We hope all participants are now more motivated to gain inevitable success.
Date: 28-29 November 2022
Total Attendee: 715 pax
2022 was a new year after the Pandemic. Atomy Malaysia encountered many challenges in 2022, but together we successfully overcame the challenges and created success for Atomy members. We are honoured to invite 715 qualified Auto Sales Masters to attend Atomy Malaysia two days one-night Auto Sales Master Conference.The Auto Sales Master Conference was designed to train all Auto Sales Masters for further success in Atomy.
Token of Appreciation & Foyer Display
To appreciate the efforts of members in 2022, Atomy Malaysia prepared a special set of token of appreciation for our Auto Sales Masters.
The meaning of the Token of Appreciation is to give members an unforgettable memory for them to cherish and carry the Atomy branding and reputation.
Besides that, Atomy Malaysia also prepared Photo Booths at the foyer for the members to have photo sessions.
Emcee- KK, Marketing Officer
A total of 715 Auto Sales Masters attended the Auto Sales Master conference. The conference officially started after reciting the company motto.
Welcome Speech - Country Manager, Sewon Kim
Country Manager, Sewon Kim began his speech by welcoming the participants at the Auto Sales Master Workshop. Enthusiastically celebrated the participants and he also briefly explained the direction of Atomy Malaysia for year 2023.
Newly Promoted Auto Sales Master Speech
Speaker 1: DANNY WEE, Sales Master
Speaker 2: CHOK KAI XIN, Sharon Rose Master
Speaker 3: ANG HUI JIA, Sharon Rose Master
Company Direction & Planning Year 2023 : Kea Wong, Officer Manager
Leader’s Voice: Kent Yap, Marketing Manager & Kea Wong, Office Manager
A session of receiving and addressing all leaders' questions, concerns and feedback for the company to consider and formulate future strategies for the benefit of members.
The mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur – Sophia Tey, External Motivational Speaker
Sophia Tey began her training session by sharing the image of direct selling from the general public. She shared about the great platform and Success System that Atomy has. All Atomians must occupy the mindset of entrepreneurship because Atomy is your own business. Sophia emphasizes the power of belief and a sense of ownership to all leaders because the action comes after you strongly believe in it.
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Conference Gala Dinner
To celebrate and appreciate the effort of members, the company organized a Gala Dinner for all Auto Sales Masters to celebrate their achievement and establish a strong bonding among leaders and Atomy Malaysia. The company also introduced Atomy staff to all members and expressed its thanks to all leaders for their contributions.
Auto Sales Master Conference (Day 2)
Emcee- KK, Marketing Officer
The conference officially started after reciting the company's motto and having the famous HemoTIME!
Balance Life & Life Scenario Session
Atomy Malaysia organized a Balance Life and Life Scenario session for 715 ASM leaders to write down their dreams with the guidance of all 66 Leaders Club Members. All Leaders Club members guided and taught us how to write down Life Scenario the right way. 4 leaders were invited on stage to share their dreams and promised they will set the milestone and achieve it.
The relationship between Milestones and Life Scenario: YK Lai, STAR MASTER, LEADER CLUB MEMBER
YK Lai begins his sharing with the question, "WHY DO WE NEED TO WRITE DOWN OUR DREAMS." He explained the relationship between milestones and life scenarios to all leaders. He motivated and urged all members must to act now and make their dreams happen.
How to become a Leaders Club Member: Meina Chua, Royal Master @ Royal Leaders Club Member
Meina Chua shared tips on how to become a leaders club member. The secret to success is to practice and keep practicing. She mentioned that Practice makes improvements! You must constantly improve your best and go beyond anything you have ever done.
Company Motto & Closing
Atomy Malaysia Auto Sales Master Conference ended with the company motto. We hope all participants are now more motivated to gain inevitable success.