Views 676 Date of filming

Date & Time: 2022-11-23 (Saturday), 11:00am
Venue: MITEC, KL & Le Meridien, KK
Total Viewers: 3,300pax KL / 430pax KK / 880 Online Zoom

For the month of November, Atomy Malaysia once again held Success Academy in 2 venues simultaneously. MITEC Kuala Lumpur & Le Meridien KK. November Success Academy is very special with the appearance of the man behind Atomy, Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill!

Company Motto - For the month of November, Company motto this time is specially led by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill! Such a Historical moment for Atomy Malaysia!

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) by Suhaila Asmadi, SRM @ Leaders Club

Company Greeting Speech by Mr. Sean Kim, Country Manager
In his speech, he welcomes everyone and our guest of Honour, Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill. He also touches on Atomy Malaysia's future plans, aspirations and goals through collective intelligence working towards one direction.

Leader Greeting Speech Fenn Ten, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club (KL) & Jessica Pun Yin, STM @ Leaders Club (KK)
Greeting speech by respected leaders welcoming Atomy Members and newcomers to the Success Academy. An equal opportunity for everyone to build their business with transparency, guidance and honest leadership.

Why Atomy - Bong Seh Kah, STM @ LC (KL) & Rose Pun, STM (KK)
In this session, both speakers highlights the key-points in their own perspective pertaining to the reasons why they chose Atomy as a business of choice and how it has affected them in their daily lives.

Member's Story - Ng Li Gean, STM (KL) & Edenny Augustin, DM (KK)
In this session, both esteemed speakers share their point of view from the perspective of unique individuals. Everyone has a different background, life story, challenges and obstacles. Listen to how they benefitted from Atomy.

Product Introduction - Rosmaria Sahat, STM @ Leaders Club
In this session, Rosmaria talks and explains about Atomy Star Product HemoHIM & GSGS Product Bird's Nest! Intrigued? Share the love and promote it to your friends and family!

Special Performance - 5 for Dream

Culture of Sharing Ceremony - Atomy CSR donation of RM200,000 to 1st DIFA World Deaf Futsal U21 Cup Malaysia 2022, graced by Chairman Park Han Gill and Country Manager Sean Kim. Thank you, all members, for your continuous support!

Balanced Life Scenario VOD by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill - A Success Academy would never be complete without an inspirational lecture by Atomy Founder and Chairman, Dr. Park Han Gill. Dream vividly, because one day you can turn your dreams into Reality!

Member Life Scenario Sharing
Melody Lim, Member & Lee Ching Yue, DM & Elda Md Jas, SM - KL
Masni, Member & Kay Liaw, Member & Nordiana, Member - KK

Auto Sales Master - Fish Ee, RM @ RLC & Rebecca Wong, RM @ RLC
Captivating speakers presenting the Auto Sales Master techniques and methodologies. Audiences learning and taking notes to ensure that they can implement newly found knowledge to their business. Being ASM means stability and sustainability!

ASM Honours Ceremony
Congratulations to all ASM achievers for achieving stability in your growth with Atomy. May this achievement boost your motivation even further towards the ultimate goal!

Road to Success - Hong Yeon Gu, Imperial Master
Such a great honor to have Imperial Master Hong Yeon Gu to be present at Atomy Malaysia Sucess Academy to share with us his journey and personal experiences which led to his ultimate success!

Mastership Ceremony

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Congratulations to all Diamond Master achievers! You have taken a big long stride in the right direction towards inevitable success!

A big heartfelt Congratulations to all New Sharon Rose Masters of Atomy Malaysia! Your achievement is an inspiring feat many dream to follow!

Congratulations to all our newly promoted Royal Masters!
May your exemplary Success know no bounds and keep pushing forward for all to witness!

The epitome of Success in Atomy Malaysia, just 1 step before achieving the ultimate goal of Imperial Master, Congratulations to our Newly Promoted Crown Masters for their monumental achievements!

Atomy Vision by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill
The moment we've all been waiting for, a very rare occasion, the man who's changed countless of lives worldwide, created income opportunities, created partnerships, uplifted the needy and founded Atomy!

Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

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