Success Academy 27 Januari 2023

Jumlah pengunjung 1,358 Tanggal pengambilan gambar

Tanggal: Jumat, 27 Januari 2023
Waktu: 13:30 - 18.00 WIB
MC: Maria Fransiska (DM)
Oath: Aprinda L Mensawan (SRM)
Greeting Speech: Kris Kim (Director)
Greeting Speech: Yoon Young Seong (IM)
Company Introduction: Liman Sentosa (DM)
Global Insight: Ryan Lee (Global Business Atomy)
Product Introduction: Ria Lestari (SRM)
Auto Sales Master: Mike Surjadi (SRM)
Life Scenario Sharing: Leny Muljadi (DM), Agnes Andiriani (SM), Mayfie (SM)
Road to Success: Joo Young Park (RM)
Atomy Vision: Park Han Gill (Chairman)

MC: Maria Fransiska (DM)

Oath: Aprinda L Mensawan (SRM)

Greeting Speech: Kris Kim (Director)

Greeting Speech: Yoon Young Seong (IM) 

Company Introduction: Liman Sentosa (DM)

Global Insight: Ryan Lee

Product Introduction: Ria Lestari (SRM)


Auto Sales Master: Mike Surjadi (SRM)

Life Scenario Sharing: 
Leny Muljadi (DM)

Agnes Andiriani (SM)
Mayfie (SM)

Sharing Culture: Compassion Donation

Road to Success: Park Joo Young (RM)


Mastership Promotion
New Sales Master Promotion
New Diamond Master Promotion

Sharon Rose Master

Star Master

Atomy Vision: Park Han Gill (Chairman Atomy)


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