
Think Point #Founding Principles

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Think Point

#Founding Principles
Being(Continuity) is every enterprise's primary goal and the most important social responsibility.
Atomy's employees, members, customers, partners and even local communities are all connected like parts of a living organism.
Everyone is needed in our mission to make a better world, and Atomy must continue to survive to carry out the task.
We put forth a lot of effort to endure; from reducing costs to enhancing business viability.

Although Continuity is the company's top priority, added value can be generated through growth.
The most crucial factor in Atomy's growth is Speed, but Speed is not just how fast we are moving, but also in what direction.
When we say Speed is important in our growth, it means that we should be moving at a quick pace in the right direction.

Atomy seeks to fulfill social responsibility through the balanced distribution of wealth. This includes the concept of fairness,
as we believe balance and fairness will optimize the utilization of limited resources and lead to greater wealth for all.
The value of Atomy is not only created by our members, but by our partnering companies, consumers,
and the greater society through direct and indirect interactions with the company.
Atomy strives to provide better quality products at more reasonable prices for our consumers and returns the profits back to them.
We are also involved in many social contribution activities for the betterment of society.
The fair and balanced distribution of our earnings secures our loyal customer base and ensures the sustainable growth of Atomy.
In this respect, Atomy's way of distribution is similar to the nature of the investment.


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Think Point #Founding Principles

Think Point #Founding Principles   BEING(CONTINUITY) Being(Continuity) is every enterprise's primary goal and the most important social responsibility. Atomy's employees, members, customers, partners and even local communities are all connected like parts of a living organism. Every


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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