[Product] EP Skin Booster Promotion

Views 1,668 Date of filming
EP SKIN BOOSTER COMING SOON on the Atomy Oceania website! 

Make self-home care easier with a patented EP technology device!
Deliver your skincare directly, deep into your skin

EP SKIN Booster comes with 4 different modes:

Blue – Mode for various skincare products
White – Skin whitening and rejuvenating products
Purple – Skin massage promoting absorption and skin firmness
Red – Absorption mode with heat

Try it with our favourite Atomy Synergy Ampoule

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[Product] EP Skin Booster Promotion

EP SKIN BOOSTER COMING SOON on the Atomy Oceania website!  Make self-home care easier with a patented EP technology device! Deliver your skincare directly, deep into your skin EP SKIN Booster comes with 4 different modes: Blue – Mode for various skincare products White – Skin white


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